Logo Procampex Transparente2FARM CHICHENS MEAT


Along the last 50 years, the growth of the human population all around the world does not know limits, involving a higher demand of food. The so called Green Revolution in the emergent countries, have been an answer, but only partially has archived the goals.

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This situation, as well as the social and economical development, involves Africa also, increasing widely its own demand of food. Its huge natural resources and the potential economical growth are calling hardly to embody it as a high quality and quantity food producer country.

The precarious state of its production scheme makes necessary a high technology to embody Africa in the world food trade fulfilling the highest standards.

In this context, indoor conditions for poultry breeding, intended for meat production, reveals itself as the right answer to this requirement:

  • From a sociological point of view is an feasible option, because religion is not a determining factor as swine occurs.
  • Because of its good nutritional qualities, meat chicken is widely recommended not only for adults, but children and elder people
  • Cheap and easy cooking.
  • From an economical point of view, chicken meat is the cheapest animal protein resource.
  • Versatile and reliable, chicken meat indoor production can be developed all around the world in a temperature and humidity controlled conditions.
  • It is the most efficient meat production: 4 kg of cereals are enough to achieve a commercial chicken.
  • Chicken meat indoor production needs less square meters than others : 100 Ha for 500 thousand commercial chickens per week.
  • Chicken meat indoor production is easy to manage : once built the farm, the monitoring of the components by staff, will be the main concern.
  • Profitable, the best economic proposition: funds returning granted in a 5-6 years time.

Chickens Farm